Adding Aggregate Components
The very first time the administrator manages/adds a component of a type, the eG Enterprise system dynamically creates a corresponding aggregate component type. For instance, if an IIS web server component is added to the eG Enterprise system for the first time, a component type named, IIS Web Aggregate is automatically created alongside.
To add a component of the dynamic aggregate component type, do the following:
- In the eG admin interface, select the Add/Modify option from the Aggregates menu of the Infrastructure tile.
Figure 1 then appears. Figure 1 is characterized by a tree-structure in the left panel, and a context-sensitive right panel, which changes based on the node chosen from the tree. Each node in the tree represents a category of infrastructure elements, namely - managed components, segments, services, (component) groups, and zones - which typically provide the components that can be aggregated. Expanding the Segments node for instance will display all the fully-configured segments in the environment as sub-nodes. Likewise, you can expand the Services, Groups, or Zones node in the tree to view the services, groups, and zones (respectively) that have been registered with the eG Enterprise system. While clicking on the Expand All link below the tree will expand all nodes at one shot, the Close All link, when clicked, will close all expanded nodes simultaneously.
By clicking on the nodes of the tree, you can create an aggregate component using any managed component across the environment, or using the components that are included in a particular segment, service, zone, or component group.