Domain Time Sync – OS Test

Time synchronization is one of the most important dependencies of windows. A time protocol is responsible for determining the best available time information and converging the clocks to ensure that a consistent time is maintained across systems. By default, windows support a tolerance of plus or minus five minutes for clocks. If the time variance exceeds this setting, clients will be unable to authenticate and in the case of domain controllers, replication will not occur. It implements a time synchronization system based on Network Time Protocol (NTP).

NTP is a fault-tolerant, highly scalable time protocol and it is used for synchronizing computer clocks by using a designated reference clock. A reference clock is some device or machinery that spits out the current time. The special thing about these things is accuracy. Reference clocks must be accurately following some time standard. NTP will compute some additional statistical values based on the current time reported by the reference clock, which will describe the quality of time it sees. Among these values are: offset (or phase), jitter (or dispersion), frequency error, and stability. Thus each NTP server will maintain an estimate of the quality of its reference clocks and of itself.

This test reports the time difference between the reference clock and that of the target environment, and thus helps assess the quality of time seen by the desktop. With the help of this test, you can also easily determine whether the reference time changed recently.

This test is disabled by default. To enable the test, go to the enable / disable tests page using the menu sequence: Agents -> Tests -> Enable/Disable, pick Physical Desktop Group as the Component type, set Performance as the Test type, choose this test from the disabled tests list, and click on the >> button to move the test to the enabled tests list.

Target of the test : A Amazon Cloud Desktop Group

Agent deploying the test : A remote agent

Outputs of the test : One set of results for every user to each cloud-based virtual desktop

Configurable parameters for the test
Parameter Description

Test Period

How often should the test be executed.


The nick name of the Amazon Cloud Desktop Group component for which this test is to be configured.


Refers to the port at which the specified host listens to. By default, this is NULL.

Inside View Using

To obtain the 'inside view' of performance of the desktops - i.e., to measure the internal performance of the cloud-based virtual desktops - this test uses a light-weight eG VM Agent software deployed on each of the desktops. Accordingly, this parameter is by default set to eG VM Agent.

Report Powered OS

If this flag is set to Yes (which is the default setting), then the 'inside view' tests will report measures for even those desktops that do not have any users logged in currently. Such desktops will be identified by their name and not by the username_on_desktopname. On the other hand, if this flag is set to No, then this test will not report measures for those desktops to which no users are logged in currently.  

Report By User

This flag is set to Yes by default. The value of this flag cannot be changed. This implies that the cloud-based virtual desktops in environments will always be identified using the login name of the user. In other words, in cloud environments, this test will, by default, report measures for every username_on_desktopname.


Since this test runs for a 'Amazon Cloud Desktop Group' component, this flag is set to Yes, by default.

Measurements made by the test
Measurement Description Measurement Unit Interpretation

NTP offset

Indicates the time difference between the local clock and the designated reference clock.


For a tiny offset, NTP will adjust the local clock; for small and larger offsets, NTP will reject the reference time for a while. In the latter case, the operating system’s clock will continue with the last corrections effective while the new reference time is being rejected. After some time, small offsets (significantly less than a second) will be slewed (adjusted slowly), while larger offsets will cause the clock to be stepped (set anew). Huge offsets are rejected, and NTP will terminate itself, believing something very strange must have happened.