Apache Qpid Broker layer
Using the tests associated with the Apache Qpid Broker layer (see Figure 1), you can monitor the following:
State of the application for which the access control rule is applied to the Access Control Provider.
State of authentication for the Authentication provider that establishes a stable connection with the broker.
State of the broker, ensuring that there is a proper message transaction happening to and from the broker.
Total size of all messages received/delivered by the Broker.
Total capacity of direct memory allocated for the Broker process.
Maximum size of messages published into the Broker since its start-up.
Total number of all messages received/delivered by the Broker.
Total number of messages received/delivered by the Broker within a transaction.
State of the Broker log file and alerts the administrators for any errors/warnings.
State of the Exchange, ensuring that the messages received from the producer are properly routed to the Queues.
Total size/number of all unroutable messages dropped by the exchange.
Total size/number of messages received by the exchange.
State of the Port, ensuring that there is a stable TCP/IP connectivity for messaging.
Total number of connections in this port since broker start up.
State of the virtual host, ensuring that the virtual host is performing proper messaging service.
Total size/number of all messages received/delivered by the virtual host.
Number of messaging connections/exchanges on the virtual host.
Maximum size of messages published into the Virtual Host since broker start-up.
Number of queues in the virtual host.
Total number of messaging connections in the virtual host since broker start up.
Size/number of all messages enqueued by the virtual host.
Total number of messages received/delivered by the virtual host within a transaction.
Figure 1 : The list of tests associated with the Apache Qpid Broker layer