Adding Components

Task Command Examples

Adding an agent-based and port-based component

eGCLI AddComponent -componenttype <ComponentType> -hostname <the name of the host on which the target component is executing> (or) -hostip <IP address of the component> -componentname <nick name of the component> -port <port at which the component listens> -externalagents <Comma-separated list of external agents assigned to the server> -managerid <ManagerID>      [-groupname <name of the group to which the component is to be added>] [-zonename <name of the zone to which the component is to be added]

eGCLI AddComponent -componenttype Active Directory
-hostip -componentname ad228 -port 389 -externalagents,extagnt175 -managerid mgr157

eGCLI AddComponent -componenttype Active Directory
-hostip -componentname ad228 -port 389 -externalagents,extagnt175 -managerid mgr157 -groupname GRP1

eGCLI AddComponent -componenttype Active Directory
-hostip -componentname ad228 -port 389 -externalagents,extagnt175 -managerid mgr157 -zonename zone1

eGCLI AddComponent -componenttype Active Directory
-hostname egurkha25 -componentname ad228 -port 389
-externalagents,extagnt175 -managerid mgr157

Adding an agent-based and non-port-based component

eGCLI AddComponent -componenttype <ComponentType> -hostname <the name of the host on which the target component is executing> (or) -hostip <IP address of the component> -componentname <nick name of the component> -externalagents <Comma-separated list of external agents assigned to the server> -managerid <ManagerID> [-groupname <name of the group to which the component is to be added>] [-zonename <name of the zone to which the component is to be added]

eGCLI AddComponent -componenttype Generic -hostip -componentname gen228 -externalagents,extagnt175 -managerid 100manager

eGCLI AddComponent -componenttype Generic
-hostname egurkha25 -componentname gen228
-externalagents,extagnt175 -managerid 100manager

Adding an Oracle database server in an agent-based manner

eGCLI AddComponent -componenttype <ComponentType> -hostname <the name of the host on which the target component is executing> (or) -hostip <IP address of the component> -componentname <nick name of the component> -port <port at which the component listens> -sid <Comma-separated list of SIDs>
-ispassive <yes/no> -externalagents <Comma-separated list of external agents assigned to the server> -managerid <ManagerID> [-groupname <name of the group to which the component is to be added>] [-zonename <name of the zone to which the component is to be added]

eGCLI AddComponent -componenttype Oracle Database
-hostip -componentname ora8 -port 1521
-sid egora,bussdb -ispassive no -externalagents agt25,agt27 -managerid 100manager

eGCLI AddComponent -componenttype Oracle Database
-hostname egurkha25 -componentname ora8 -port 1521
-sid egora,bussdb -ispassive no -externalagents agt25,agt27 -managerid 100manager

Adding an IIS web server in an agent-based manner

eGCLI AddComponent -componenttype <ComponentType>                  -hostname <the name of the host on which the target component is executing> (or) -hostip <IP address of the component>
-componentname <nick name of the component> -port <port at which the component listens> -mtsenabled <yes/no> -externalagents <Comma-separated list of external agents assigned to the server> -managerid <ManagerID> [-groupname <name of the group to which the component is to be added>] [-zonename <name of the zone to which the component is to be added]

eGCLI AddComponent -componenttype IIS Web -hostip -componentname iis72 -port 80
-mtsenabled no -externalagents agt25,agt27 -managerid 100mgr

eGCLI AddComponent -componenttype IIS Web
-hostname egurkha25 -componentname iis72 -port 80
-mtsenabled no -externalagents agt25,agt27 -managerid 100mgr

Adding an application executing on a VM

eGCLI AddComponent -componenttype <ComponentType>                  -hostname <the name of the host on which the target component is executing> (or) -hostip <IP address of the component>
-componentname <nick name of the component> -port <port at which the component listens> -virtualenv <yes/no> -virtualserver <componentType:componentName:port>
-externalagents <Comma-separated list of external agents assigned to the server> -managerid <ManagerID> [-groupname <name of the group to which the component is to be added>] [-zonename <name of the zone to which the component is to be added]

eGCLI AddComponent -componenttype Microsoft SQL
-hostip -componentname sql163
-port 1433 -virtualenv yes -virtualserver VMware ESX:esx179:NULL -externalagents agt25,agt27
-managerid 201mgr

eGCLI AddComponent -componenttype Microsoft SQL
-hostname egurkha25 -componentname sql163
-port 1433 -virtualenv yes -virtualserver VMware ESX:esx179:NULL -externalagents agt25,agt27
-managerid 201mgr

Adding a Windows application in an agentless manner

eGCLI AddComponent -componenttype <ComponentType>
-hostname <the name of the host on which the target component is executing> (or) -hostip<IP address of the component>
-componentname <nick name of the component> -port <port at which the component listens> -agentless <yes/no> -os <Windows 2012 and above> -mode Perfmon -remoteagent <The remote agent that monitors the target>
-ispassive <yes/no> -externalagents <Comma-separated list of external agents assigned to the server>
-managerid <ManagerID> [-groupname <name of the group to which the component is to be added>] [-zonename <name of the zone to which the component is to be added]

eGCLI AddComponent -componenttype Oracle Database
-hostname egurkha25 -componentname ora8 -port 1521
-sid egora -agentless yes -os Windows 2012 -mode Perfmon -remoteagent -externalagents agt25,agt27 -ispassive no -managerid  102mgr

eGCLI AddComponent -componenttype Oracle Database
-hostip -componentname ora8 -port 1521
-sid egora -agentless yes -os Windows 2012-mode Perfmon -remoteagent -externalagents agt25,agt27 -ispassive no -managerid  102mgr


eGCLI AddComponent -componenttype Oracle Database
-hostip -componentname ora8 -port 1521
-sid egsql -agentless yes -os Linux -mode SSH
-remoteport 22 -remoteuser egtest -remotepwd egurkha2008 -remoteagent -ispassive no
-externalagents agt25,agt27 -managerid 100mgr

Adding a Unix application in an agentless manner

eGCLI AddComponent -managerid <Manager ID> -hostname <the name of the host on which the target component is executing> (or) -hostip <IP address of the component> -componentname <Nick name> -componenttype <name of the ComponentType> -port <port at which the component listens> -agentless <yes/no> -os <Solaris/Linux/AIX/HP-UX//Tru64/Other> -mode <Rexec/SSH> [-encrypttype <Password/Keybased>] [-keyfilename <Key file name>] -remoteport <The port at which Rexec/SSH listens>
-remoteuser <Valid user name on the target> -remotepwd <A valid password> -remoteagent <The remote agent that monitors the target> -ispassive <yes/no> -externalagents <Comma-separated list of external agents assigned to the server> -managerid <ManagerID> [-groupname <name of the group to which the component is to be added>] [-zonename <name of the zone to which the component is to be added]

eGCLI AddComponent -managerid mgr1 -hostip -componentname office_365 -componenttype Microsoft Office 365 -agentless yes -os HP-UX -mode SSH -encrypttype Keybased -keyfilename keyfile1 -remoteagent -remoteport 22 -remoteuser remuser -remotepwd rempwd

eGCLI AddComponent -managerid mgr1 -hostip -componentname office_365 -componenttype Microsoft Office 365 -agentless yes -os Linux -mode SSH -encrypttype Keybased -keyfilename keyfile1 -remoteagent -remoteport 22 -remoteuser remuser -remotepwd rempwd

Assigning an existing internal agent to a new component

eGCLI AddComponent -componenttype <ComponentType> -hostname <the name of the host on which the target component is executing> (or) -hostip <IP address of the component> -componentname <nick name of the component> -port <port at which the component listens>
-internalagentassignment <yes/no> -internalagent <IP address/nick name of the internal agent> -ispassive <yes/no> -externalagents <Comma-separated list of external agents assigned to the server>
-managerid <ManagerID> [-groupname <name of the group to which the component is to be added>] [-zonename <name of the zone to which the component is to be added]

eGCLI AddComponent -componenttype Oracle Database
-hostname egurkha25 -componentname ora8 -port 1521
-sid egsql -internalagentassignment yes -internalagent web08 -ispassive no -externalagents agt25,agt2
-managerid 100mgr

eGCLI AddComponent -componenttype Oracle Database
-hostip -componentname ora8 -port 1521
-sid egsql -internalagentassignment yes -internalagent web08 -ispassive no -externalagents agt25,agt2
-managerid 100mgr


By default, a component added using the eG CLI can either be associated with a group or zone alone. You will not be permitted to associate a component added using the eG CLI to a group and zone simultaneously.