Why Monitor BlackBerry UEM?

BlackBerry UEM software provides monitoring, managing and securing all of an organization’s end-user devices—desktops and laptops, smartphones, tablets, wearables and more—from a single console, regardless of operating system or location. BlackBerry UEM strengthens endpoint security by simplifying it, enabling security and IT teams to protect all endpoint devices using one tool in one consistent way.

Proactive monitoring of the software is vital for organization's data security from any malfuctioning or misuse without any interruptions.

UEM's use has exploded as security and IT departments adapt to support expanded work-from-home (WFH) initiatives in the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic. UEM is the latest in a series of mobile security management tools—tools that emerged and evolved in response to the changing relationship between organizations, employees, mobile devices and working styles over the last two decades.

It is therefore imperative that the functions of BlackBerry UEM are monitored 24 x 7. eG Enterprise provides exclusive BlackBerry UEM monitoring model for IT administrators, to manage and secure these devices. So they can monitor the provisioning, enrollment and encryption of devices, monitor the configuration and control of wireless access, monitor the installation and management enterprise apps.