Administering the eG Manager to monitor a Cisco CSS

To administer the eG Manager to monitor the Cisco CSS, do the following:

  1. Log into the eG administrative interface.
  2. eG Enterprise cannot automatically discover the Cisco CSS. You need to manually add the server using the COMPONENTS page (see Figure 1) that appears when the Infrastructure -> Components -> Add/Modify menu sequence is followed. Remember that components manually added are managed automatically.


    Figure 1 : Adding the Cisco CSS component

  3. Specify the Host IP and the Nick name of the Cisco CSS in . Then click the Add button to register the changes. When you attempt to sign out, a list of unconfigured tests appears (see Figure 2).


    Figure 2 : List of tests to be configured for the Cisco CSS component

  4. Click on the Content Session Load test to configure it. To know how to configure the test, refer to Monitoring the Cisco CSS. Then, try to signout of the administrative interface. Now you will be prompted to configure the Device Uptime and Network Interfaces tests. To know how to configure these tests refer to the Monitoring Cisco Routers document.
  5. Finally, signout of eG administrative interface.