VMachine Catalog Details Test

In XenDesktop, collections of virtual machines (VMs) or physical computers of the same type are managed as a single entity called a catalog. To deliver desktops to users, the machine administrator creates a catalog of machines and the assignment administrator allocates machines from the catalog to users by creating delivery groups.

This test auto-discovers the catalogs managed by the XenDesktop site being monitored, and reports useful statistics related to each catalog, which reveal:

  • The catalog type;
  • The type of desktops allocated to each catalog;
  • The availability, usage, and assignment of desktops in each catalog

Target of the test : A Citrix Delivery Controller 7.x

Agent deploying the test : An internal agent

Outputs of the test : One set of results for every catalog on each broker configured within a site.

Configurable parameters for the test
Parameter Description

Test Period

How often should the test be executed.


The IP address of the host for which this test is to be configured.


Refers to the port at which the specified host listens to.


In order to monitor the target Delivery Controller 7, eG requires a special user with the following privileges;

  • The All scope and read-only privileges
  • The Allow log on locally security privilege on the Delivery Controller host

The steps for assigning such privileges to a user are discussed in the Pre-requisites for monitoring the Citrix Delivery Controller 7.x. Specify the name of such a user, here.


Specify the password for the user specified in the Username text box, here.

Confirm Password

Confirm the Password by retyping it here.


Here, specify the domain to which the user specified in the Username text box belongs to.

Report by Machine Type

By default, this flag is set to Yes indicating that the  individual descriptors of this test - i.e., the catalogs - are classified based on their machine type; in other words, the catalogs will be listed either under Server OS Machines or Desktop OS Machines based on their machine type. If you do not want to group the catalogs based on their machine types, set this flag to No.

Show Available Machines DD

By default, this flag is set to No. This implies that by default, detailed metrics will not be available for the Available machines in catalog measure reported by this test. To enable detailed diagnosis for this measure, you can set this flag to Yes. In this case, you will be able to view the complete details of all the machines that are currently available in each catalog.

Show Used Machines DD

By default, this flag is set to No. This implies that by default, detailed metrics will not be available for the Used machines in catalog measure reported by this test. To enable detailed diagnosis for this measure, you can set this flag to Yes. In this case, you will be able to view the complete details of all the machines that are already in use in each catalog.

Show Disconnected Machines DD

By default, this flag is set to No. This implies that by default, detailed metrics will not be available for the Disconnected machines in catalog measure reported by this test. To enable detailed diagnosis for this measure, you can set this flag to Yes. In this case, you will be able to view the complete details of all the machines that are in disconnected state in each catalog.

Show Machines DD

By default, this flag is set to No. This implies that by default, detailed metrics will not be available for the Machines used in delivery groups measure reported by this test. To enable detailed diagnosis for this measure, you can set this flag to Yes. In this case, you will be able to view the complete details of all the machines in each catalog that are within delivery groups.

Detailed Diagnosis

To make diagnosis more efficient and accurate, the eG Enterprise embeds an optional detailed diagnostic capability. With this capability, the eG agents can be configured to run detailed, more elaborate tests as and when specific problems are detected. To enable the detailed diagnosis capability of this test for a particular server, choose the On option. To disable the capability, click on the Off option.

The option to selectively enable/disable the detailed diagnosis capability will be available only if the following conditions are fulfilled:

  • The eG manager license should allow the detailed diagnosis capability
  • Both the normal and abnormal frequencies configured for the detailed diagnosis measures should not be 0.
Measurements made by the test
Measurement Description Measurement Unit Interpretation

Allocation type

Indicates the allocation type of the machines available in this catalog.


This measure can report any one of the following values:

  • Static
  • Permanent
  • Random
  • Unknown

The table below provides the numeric values that correspond to the allocation types listed above, and a brief description of each type:

Allocation Type Numeric Value Description



Indicates that the machines in this catalog are either assigned by the administrator or assigned on first use to users. This assignment will change only when the administrator explicitly changes the assignments.



Indicates that the machines in this catalog are permanently assigned to the user.



Indicates that the machines in this catalog are picked in random and are temporarily assigned to the user.


By default, this measure reports the Allocation Types listed in the table above. However, the graph of this measure will represent the allocation types using their corresponding numeric equivalents – i.e., 1 to 3.

The detailed diagnosis of this measure if enabled, lists the catalog to which the machine belongs, the zone to which the machine catalog belongs, the machine type, the number of sessions supported by the machine i.e, either Single session or Multi session, the location used for storing user data, the provisioning type and the scopes associated with the chosen catalog.

Are physical machines?

Indicates whether/not the machines in this catalog are power managed by the broker.


This measure reports a value Yes if the machines are power managed by the broker and No, if otherwise.

The table below provides the numeric values that correspond to the above mentioned values:

Measure Value Numeric Value
Yes 1
No 0


By default, this measure reports whether the machines are power managed by the broker or not. However, the graph of this measure will be represented using their corresponding numeric equivalents – i.e., 0 or 1.

Entitled machines used in delivery groups

Indicates the number of assigned machines (to users) in this catalog that are within delivery groups.



Entitled machines available for delivery groups

Indicates the number of machines in this catalog that are available to users within delivery groups.



Machines not entitled available for delivery groups

Indicates the number of machines within the delivery groups that are not yet assigned to users.



Machines not entitled used in delivery groups

Indicates the number of unassigned machines in this catalog within the delivery groups but are still used in the pool.



Machines available for delivery groups

Indicates the number of machines in this catalog that are available for inclusion in delivery groups.



Machines used in delivery groups

Indicates the number of machines in this catalog that are within delivery groups.


The detailed diagnosis of this measure if enabled, lists the name of the machine, the DNS name of the machine, IP address, Operating system of the machine, the delivery group to which the machine belongs to, the catalog to which the machine belongs to, the Desktop kind, the user associated with the machine, the controller to which the machine belongs to and the Persistant user changes made to the machine.

Total machines in catalog

Indicates the total number of machines in this catalog.



Available machines in catalog

Indicates the number of machines that are available for use in this catalog.


The detailed diagnosis of this measure if enabled, lists the name of the machine, the DNS name of the machine, IP address, Operating system of the machine, the delivery group to which the machine belongs to, the catalog to which the machine belongs to, the Desktop kind, the user associated with the machine, the controller to which the machine belongs to and the Persistant user changes made to the machine.

Used machines in catalog

Indicates the number of machines that are already in use in this catalog.


The detailed diagnosis of this measure if enabled, lists the name of the machine, the DNS name of the machine, IP address, Operating system of the machine, the delivery group to which the machine belongs to, the catalog to which the machine belongs to, the Desktop kind, the user associated with the machine, the controller to which the machine belongs to and the Persistant user changes made to the machine.

Percentage of used machines in catalog

Indicates the percentage of machines that are already in use in this catalog.



Disconnected machines in catalog

Indicates the number of machines that are in a disconnected state in this catalog.


The detailed diagnosis of this measure if enabled, lists the name of the machine, the DNS name of the machine, IP address, Operating system of the machine, the delivery group to which the machine belongs to, the catalog to which the machine belongs to, the Desktop kind, the user associated with the machine, the controller to which the machine belongs to and the Persistant user changes made to the machine.

The detailed diagnosis of the Allocation type measure if enabled, lists the catalog to which the machine belongs, the zone to which the catalog belongs, the machine type, the number of sessions supported by the machine i.e, either Single session or Multi session, the location used for storing user data, the provisioning type and the scopes associated with the chosen catalog.

Detailed diagnosis for Allocation type measure

Figure 1 : The detailed diagnosis of the Allocation type measure