
Using the eG Enterprise, administrators can:

  • Monitor the status and performance of multi-vendor, multi-platform hardware components at anytime, from anywhere, from a central web console. This ensures that administrators do not need different monitoring consoles for different types of hardware.
  • Collect, consolidate, and present a wealth of performance results pertaining to the monitored hardware. This information is critical for historical analysis, trending, and proactive planning, so that server downtimes can be minimized.
  • Look across hardware and software layers of a server, automatically correlate performance across these layers, and accurately identify problem areas.  Administrators can thus focus their attention on the key bottlenecks and ensure better performance of the servers and applications, and thereby enhance service uptime.
  • Instantly be notified of hardware and software issues, in many cases well before the actual failure occurs. Administrators can thus initiate corrective actions very early in the process, thereby ensuring minimal or no impact on the service performance seen by users.