Proxy Server Test

The Web Proxy service provides support for HTTP (a.k.a. Web publishing), FTP, Gopher, and secure (SSL) communications. The Web Proxy service works with any CERN-compliant Web browser, such as Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator. Because the Web Proxy supports only these widely adopted Internet standard communication methods, it isn’t operating system dependent. Clients running Unix, Macintosh, or Windows operating systems can communicate with the Web Proxy service as long as they’re configured with a CERN-compliant Web browser. 

This test reports the performance statistics pertaining to this Web Proxy service running on an ISA Proxy server.

Target of the test : An ISA Proxy server 2004

Agent deploying the test : An internal agent

Outputs of the test : One set of results for every web proxy service monitored

Configurable parameters for the test
Parameters Description

Test period

This indicates how often should the test be executed.


The host for which the test is to be configured.


Refers to the port used by the ISA Proxy server.

Measurements made by the test
Measurement Description Measurement Unit Interpretation

Cache hit ratio

The percentage of requests that have used cached data, to the total number of requests to the web proxy service


A high value could indicate an increase in the proxy server load, due to which lesser TCP connection requests are accepted.

Client data receive rate

The number of active sessions for the web proxy service


 A high value can indicate an increase in the load on one or more applications, or a change in the characteristics of one or more applications.

Client data transmit rate

The rate at which the data bytes are sent by the proxy server to the web proxy clients


A high value could indicate a high data transfer from the proxy server to the web proxy client, which may result in congestion in network traffic

Avg response time

The mean response time in seconds to service a request


High network traffic, low server performance are some of the factors that cause this measure to increase.

Current users

The current number of users connected to the web proxy service.


A high value can indicate an increase in the load on the web proxy service.

DNS cache hits

This measure give the percentage of DNS domain names served from the proxy server cache, from the total DNS entries that are retrieved by the web proxy service.


A high value can indicate an increase in load on web proxy service.

Failing requests

The rate of request that have completed with some error.


The high value indicates possible problems in the web proxy service.

FTP requests

The number of ftp requests that have been made to the web proxy service


A high value can indicate an increase in the load on the web proxy service.

HTTP requests

The number of http requests that have been made to the web proxy service.


A high value can indicate an increase in the load on one or more applications, or a change in the characteristics of one or more applications.

HTTPS sessions

The total number of HTTP-Secured sessions serviced by the SSL tunnel



A high value can indicate an increase in the load on one or more applications, or a change in the characteristics of one or more applications on the server.

Thread pool active sessions

The number of sessions being actively served by the pool of threads


A high value can indicate an increase in the load on the web proxy service.

Thread pool failures

The number of requests rejected, since the thread pool was overcommitted


The high value indicates a possible problem in the thread pool of the web proxy service.

Upstream receive rate

The rate at which the data is received by the web proxy service from remote servers on the internet/proxy servers surrounding the current proxy server


A high value can indicate an increase in the load on the web proxy service from one or more remote servers.

Upstream transmit rate

The rate at which the data is sent by the web proxy service to remote servers on the internet/proxy servers surrounding the current proxy server


A high value can indicate an increase in the load of one or more remote servers.