Cache Console Log Test

The primary information source for monitoring Cache is the console log (cconsole.log). Cache reports general messages, system errors, certain operating system errors, and network errors through an operator console facility. The console log file is a plain text file and may be viewed with any editor or text viewer. It is found in the MGR subdirectory of the location where Cache was installed. The CacheConsoleLogTest periodically monitors the console log of every configured Cache instance to report the number of normal, severe, and fatal errors encountered by the Cache database server.

Target of the test : A Cache Database server

Agent deploying the test : An internal/remote agent

Outputs of the test : One set of results for every InstanceName configured

Configurable parameters for the test
  1. TEST PERIOD – How often should the test be executed
  2. Host – The IP address of the Cache database server
  3. Port – The port on which the server is listening
  4. INSTANCEDIRECTORY - Typically, the Cache console log file will be available in the install directory of a Cache instance. Therefore, in the INSTANCEDIRECTORY text box, specify the name of the instance being monitored and the install directory that holds the Cache console log file of that instance, in the following format: InstanceName:InstallDirectory. In case you want to monitor the console log files pertaining to multiple Cache instances, then provide a comma-separated list of InstanceName:InstallDirectory pairs in the INSTANCEDIRECTORY text box. For example: CACHEWEB:d:\Intersystems\CacheWeb,CACHE2:d:\Intersystems\Cache2.
Measurements made by the test
Measurement Description Measurement Unit Interpretation

Total errors:

Indicates the number of normal errors/warnings that currently occurred on this Cache instance


The detailed diagnosis of this measure, when enabled, provides the detailed description for each of the normal errors that occurred on this Cache instance. A typical normal error/warning would be,***WARNING***: THE CURRENT CONFIGURATION IS NOT THE SAME AS WHEN CACHE WAS LAST SHUT DOWN.

Severe errors:

Indicates the number of severe errors that occurred currently on this Cache instance


A typical severe error would be: SNMP server failed to start: error signaling Windows SNMP agent. Some <NETWORK> errors are essentially fatal error conditions. Typically, if email notification of errors is setup on a monitored Cache database server, then, whenever a severe/fatal error is logged in the cconsole.log file, Cache automatically sends out emails to concerned administrators alerting them to the problem condition and enabling them to initiate corrective action. Starting with v5.1 of the Cache database server, if no email notification mechanism is setup, then an additional log file, alerts.log, is created whenever a severe or fatal error is detected in the cconsole.log file. This log contains only the severe and fatal error messages. You can check this log file for details pertaining to such errors.

Alternatively, if you enable the detailed diagnosis capability of the eG Enterprise, then the complete description of the severe/fatal errors will be available to you in the eG monitoring console itself.

Fatal errors:

Indicates the current number of fatal errors on this Cache instance
