JetNEXUS load balancers mitigate the risk of downtime, improving the performance, scalability and reliability of applications for a better end user experience. The JetNEXUS load balancers are best suited for Enterprise applications such as MS Exchange and Lync, or self-service websites or browser-based applications, particularly where user experience is key. The key Benefits offered by the JetNEXUS load balancers are:
- Load balance traffic across multiple application servers for high availability
- Reduce load on web servers and improve application performance
- Reverse Proxy functionality
- Advanced toolkit to help solve complex web application delivery problems
Since application delivery delays, inefficiencies, and failures can cause prolonged service outages and cost an enterprise money and reputation, the continuous operation and good health of the load balancer is of great importance. Therefore, it is imperative that the JetNEXUS Load Balancer should be continuously monitored to prevent such eventualities. This is where eG Enterprise helps administrators!