Monitoring the Kubernetes/OpenShift Cluster

Figure 1 depicts the layer model of the Kubernetes/OpenShift Cluster.

 Kubernetes/OpenShift Cluster Layer Model

Figure 1 : Layer model of the Kubernetes/OpenShift Cluster

Each layer of Figure 1 is mapped to tests that report a wide variety of status metrics - e.g., node status, Pod status, Daemonset status, etc. - thus bringing abnormalities to the attention of administrators. Using these metrics, administrators can find quick and accurate answers to the following performance queries:

  • Is the Kubernetes API server available?
  • Are any nodes running Daemonsets they should not?
  • Are any nodes not running the Daemonsets they should?
  • Are all Deployments healthy? If not, which are the Deployments that failed to create the desired number of Pod replicas?
  • Is any Deployment unavailable?
  • Has any Deployment failed to update all desired Pod replicas with changes to the Pod template?
  • Are backoff conditions not allowing any Horizonal Pod autoscaler to perform scaling?
  • Is any autoscaler unable to compute scales? If so, why?
  • Has the scaling ability of any autoscaler been inhibited by the replica limits set?
  • Has the target utilization level for scaling been set correctly for all autoscalers?
  • Did any autoscaler fail to scale the current replica count to the desired levels?
  • Have any Jobs failed in a namespace? Which one is it?
  • Are all Pods in a namespace, which were created by Jobs, running?
  • Did any Job take too long to run? If so, which one is it?
  • Are all nodes running? Which nodes are not running?
  • Has any node been marked as 'unschedulable'? If so, which one?
  • Is any node in a bad condition? If so, why? Is it because of a network misconfiguration? insufficient disk space? low memory? process pressure?
  • Are all nodes ready to accept Pods? Which are the ones that are not ready?
  • Is any node running to full Pod capacity?
  • Are any node's resources been overcommitted? If so, which resource (CPU or memory) has been overcommitted, and which Pods on the nodes are over-subscribing to that resource?
  • Is any node running out of CPU or memory resources?
  • How many master and worker nodes does the cluster have?
  • Are there any Pending Pods in the cluster? Which are they?
  • Have any Pods in the cluster failed?
  • Is the write-through cache of the etcd used optimally?
  • Are Golang collectors spending too much time in garbage collection?
  • Are all key master services up and running?
  • Are any namespaces terminating?
  • Has any namespace exhausted or is about to exhaust its quota of Pods and/or services?
  • Is the (CPU and/or memory) resource quota of any namespace nearing exhaustion?
  • Are there any free Persistent Volumes, or are all of them bound to a claim?
  • Has any Persistent Volume failed automatic reclamation?
  • How many Pods in a namespace are ready to serve requests? Which ones are they?
  • Which Pod is in what phase of its lifecycle?
  • Are there any Pods with containers that are not ready to service requests?
  • Which Pods are not yet scheduled to nodes, and why?
  • Does any Pod have containers that terminated abnormally? If so, which containers and which Pod terminated so, and why?
  • Are any Services in a namespace in a Pending state currently? If so, why?
  • Have any failure/problem events been detected recently in the Kubernetes cluster? What events are those - did Pod creation fail? did any containers get killed? did Pods get evicted? did any nodes run out of resources? did auto-scaling fail for any HPA? When did such events occur, why, and which nodes and Pods were impacted?

Use the links below to receive deep dive insights into the tests mapped and measures reported by each layer of Figure 1.

The Kube Control Plane Layer

The Kube Cluster Layer

The Kube Workloads Layer

The Kube Application Services Layer