Installing and Configuring the for eG Business Transaction Profiler for Windows Service Applications

To BTM-enable a web-based service application running in the .NET Core framework, follow the steps below:

  1. Login to the Windows system where the target .NET Core application is installed as a service

  2. Open the command prompt and switch to the <EG_AGENT_INSTALL_DIR>\lib directory.

  3. Then, issue the following command at the prompt:

    SetupDNCWinsvcProfiler.bat <servicename>

    Here, <servicename> should be replaced by the name of the Windows service as which the target .NET Core application is running.

To BTM-enable a web-based or standalone service application that is running in the .NET framework, follow the steps below:

  1. Login to the Windows system where the target .NET application is installed as a service

  2. Open the command prompt and switch to the <EG_AGENT_INSTALL_DIR>\lib directory.

  3. Then, issue the following command at the prompt:

    SetupDotnetWinSvcProfiler.bat <servicename>

    Here, <servicename> should be replaced by the name of the Windows service as which the target .NET  application is running.

    Once the batch file successfully runs, the profiler will be installed on the target host.

  4. Then, login to the eG agent host, and open the eg_DotnetServer.ini file (in the <EG_AGENT_INSTALL_DIR>\agent\config directory) in a text editor.

  5. Look for the STANDALONE_WINSVC_MONITOR parameter in the file and set it to true. By default, the value of this parameter will be false.

  6. Finally, save the file.