Installing and Configuring the eG Business Transaction Profiler for Windows Service Applications
The steps to achieve the above vary according to the type of Windows Service application that is to be BTM-enabled - whether it is a .NET-based Windows service application, or a .NET Core-based one.
Both these procedures are discussed in the sub-sections below.
However, before you proceed, you need to determine whether the target service application runs on the .NET framework or the .NET Core framework. That way, you will be able to decide which of the sub-sections below is right for the needs of your service application. For this purpose, do the following:
Login to the system hosting the target application.
Go the command prompt, and run the following command as administrator:
tasklist /svc /FO LIST /FI "Modules eq System.Private.Corelib*"
This command, upon execution, returns the list of .NET Core services running on the host. If the service application you want to monitor appears in this list, then you can conclude that the target service application is .NET Core-based.
On the other hand, if the target service application does not appear in the output of the command you issued at step 2 above, then, you have to run the following command as administrator:
tasklist /svc /FO LIST /FI "Modules eq mscorlib*"
This command, upon execution, returns the list of .NET services running on the host. If the service application you want to monitor appears in this list, then you can conclude that the target service application is .NET-based.
Installing and Configuring the Profiler for a .NET-based Windows Service Application
To BTM-enable a web-based service application running in the .NET Core framework, follow the steps below:
Login to the Windows system where the target .NET Core application is installed as a service
Open the command prompt and switch to the <EG_AGENT_INSTALL_DIR>\lib directory.
Then, issue the following command at the prompt:
SetupDNCWinsvcProfiler.bat <servicename>
Here, <servicename> should be replaced by the name of the Windows service as which the target .NET Core application is running.
Once the profiler is successfully installed, restart the target Windows Service application.
Installing and Configuring the Profiler for a .NET-based Windows Service Application
To BTM-enable a web-based or standalone service application that is running in the .NET framework, follow the steps below:
Login to the Windows system where the target .NET application is installed as a service
Open the command prompt and switch to the <EG_AGENT_INSTALL_DIR>\lib directory.
Then, issue the following command at the prompt:
SetupDotnetWinSvcProfiler.bat <servicename>
Here, <servicename> should be replaced by the name of the Windows service as which the target .NET application is running.
Once the batch file successfully runs, the profiler will be installed on the target host.
Then, login to the eG agent host, and open the eg_DotnetServer.ini file (in the <EG_AGENT_INSTALL_DIR>\agent\config directory) in a text editor.
Look for the STANDALONE_WINSVC_MONITOR parameter in the file and set it to true. By default, the value of this parameter will be false.
Then, save the file.
Finally, restart the target Windows Service application.