Managing the Microsoft Exchange 2000/2003 server

After installation of the eG agent, follow the steps given below to configure eG to monitor Exchange 2000/2003 servers. eG Enterprise provides two methodologies for configuring and managing the Exchange server. The

  1. Login to eG user interface as an administrative user.
  2. If a Microsoft Exchange 2000/2003 server is already discovered, then directly proceed towards managing it using the COMPONENTS – MANAGE/UNMANAGE page.
  3. However, if it is yet to be discovered, then run discovery (Infrastructure -> Components -> Discover) to get it discovered or add the component manually using the COMPONENTSpage (Infrastructure -> Components -> Add/Modify). Remember that components manually added are managed automatically. Discovered components, however, are managed using the COMPONENTS – MANAGE / UNMANAGE page.
  4. To manage the Microsoft Exchange 2000/2003 server component that is auto-discovered, follow the Infrastructure -> Components -> Manage/Unmanage/Delete in the Infrastructure tile of the Admin menu.
  5. In the COMPONENTS – MANAGE/UNMANAGE page that appears next, select Exchange 2000/2003 as the Component type. Then, the auto-discovered components will be displayed under the Unmanaged Components section.
  6. Next choose the component to be managed from the from the Unmanaged Components section. and clearly illustrate the process of managing the Exchange 2000/2003 component.


    Figure 10 : Viewing the list of unmanaged Exchange 2000/2003 servers


    Figure 11 : Managing an Exchange 2000/2003  server

  7. Once the Exchange component is managed, try to signing out of the eG administrative interface, you would be prompted to configure the tests depicted by Figure 12.


    Figure 12 : The list of unconfigured tests for an Exchange 2000/2003 server

  8. If the Mail test is already configured (for eg., while configuring a Exchange server), then no such prompt will appear. Figure 13 displays the parameters of the Mail test for an Exchange 2000/2003 server.


    Figure 13 : Mail test for an Exchange 2000/2003 server

  9. If you try to sign out again, you will be prompted to configure the Disconnected Mailboxes test. This test automatically discovers and monitors the disconnected mailboxes on an Exchange server. The parameters of the test are depicted by Figure 14.


    Figure 14 : Configuring the Disconnected Mailboxes test.

  10. To know the details on configuring these tests, refer to Monitoring Exchange 2000/2003 Servers chapter.
  11. Once all the tests are configured, sign out of the eG administrative interface.
  12. Then, start the eG agent on the system that is hosting the Exchange 2000/2003 server.