Pre-requisites for Obtaining the 'Inside View' of VMs, without using the eG VM Agent

  • Ensure that the remote agent has IP connectivity to at least one of the network interfaces of the VMs.

  • The admin$ share should be enabled for all Windows-based virtual guests being monitored and the administrative account must have permissions to this share drive. Refer to Enabling ADMIN$ Share Access on Windows Virtual Guests in VMware Infrastructures document for a step-by-step procedure to achieve this.

  • To enable the remote agent to communicate with the Windows VMs, an administrative account login and password (either a local account or a domain account) must be provided when configuring the eG monitoring capabilities. 

  • In case of VMs with the Windows 2012 (or above versions)/Windows 8 (or above versions) operating systems, the firewall on the guest should be explicitly configured to allow Windows File and Print Sharing services.

  • For monitoring a Windows VM, TCP port 139 must be accessible from the remote agent to the VM.

  • For monitoring a Linux VM, the SSH port (TCP port 22) must be enabled for communication between the remote agent and the VM being monitored.


    If the Linux VMs in your environment listen on a different SSH port, then, you can override the default SSH port of 22 using the steps provided below:

    1. Login to the eG manager.

    2. Edit the eg_tests.ini file (in the <eg_install_dir>\manager\config directory) on the eG manager host.

    3. In the [agent_settings] section of the file, set the JavaSshPortForVm parameter to an SSH port of your choice. By default, this parameter is set to 22.

    4. If your environment consists of multiple Linux VMs, each listening on a different SSH port, then, you can specify a comma-separated list of SSH ports against the JavaSshPortForVm parameter. For example: 7711,7271,8102

    5. Finally, save the file.

  • For obtaining the “inside view” of Windows VMs, the eGurkhaAgent service of the eG remote agent (on Windows) should be configured to run using domain administrator privileges. Refer to the Administering eG Enterprise guide for the procedure.

  • Set the Inside View Using flag for all the “inside view” tests to Remote connection to VM (Windows).