Manually Installing Modules Required for Monitoring a Basic Authentication-Enabled Office 365 Environment

The eG agent runs Powershell cmdlets to pull a few metrics from an Office 365 environment where basic authentication is enabled. To enable the eG agent to run these cmdlets, the following need to be installed and run on the eG agent host:

  • A 64-bit version of the Microsoft Online Services Sign-in Assistant for IT Professionals RTW:You can download its installable from the URL : After downloading, use the installable to install the sign-in assistant, and then start it.
  • A 64-bit version of the Microsoft Azure Active Directory Module for Windows PowerShell:To install this module, do the following:

    • First, install the PackageManagement and PowerShellGet modules on the eG agent host. You can download the installable from the URL:
    • Once the PackageManagement and PowerShellGet modules are successfully installed, open Windows PowerShell ISE in elevated mode on the eG agent host.
    • Then, run the cmdlet depicted by .

      Installing Microsoft Online Module for Windows PowerShell

      Figure 117 : Installing the Microsoft Online Module for Windows PowerShell

    • Next, run the following cmdlet to install the Azure Active Directory PowerShell for Graph module:

      Installing Azure AD PowerShell for Graph Module

      Figure 118 : Installing the Azure Active Directory PowerShell for Graph module

  • Then, proceed to install the Exchange Online Management Module. For this, run the following cmdlet from the PowerShell promp:

    Installing EXO Management module

    Figure 119 : Installing the Exchange Online Management module

  • Now, install the SharePoint Online Management Shell, which is key for monitoring SharePoint Online. For that, run the following cmdlet:

    Installing SPO Management Shell

    Figure 120 : Installing the SharePoint Online Management Shell

  • Next, install the Microsoft TeamsModule, which is important for Microsoft Teams monitoring. For this, run the following cmdlet:

    Installing Microsoft Teams Module

    Figure 121 : Installing the Microsoft Teams module

  • Then, install the Network Assessment Tool, which helps with Microsoft Teams / Skype for Business Online monitoring. For this, you need to download and run the executable from the following URL: