Pre-requisites for Monitoring the Oracle VirtualBox in an Agentless Manner
General Pre-requisites
Enable the remote agent to communicate with the eG manager port (default: 7077).
If VMs running on multi-byte operating systems are to be monitored (eg., Windows Japanese), then the remote agent monitoring such VMs should also run on a multi-byte operating system.
Pre-requisites for Auto-Discovering VMs and Obtaining their Outside View
Ensure that the remote agent has IP connectivity to the target VirtualBox.
Ensure that the remote agent can connect to the target VirtualBox via SSH.
Configure all the tests that the remote agent executes with the name and password of a user who is privileged to access the VirtualBox via SSH.
To enable the remote agent to run VDA commands on the VirtualBox, a sudo package has to be installed on the VirtualBox host; to know how to install the sudo package, refer to Pre-requisites for Auto-Discovering VMs and Obtaining their Outside View.
After the sudo package is installed, perform the following steps on the VirtualBox host:
Login to the host as a root user;
At the command prompt of the host, issue the following command to create a new user:
useradd –d /export/home/<username> –m <username>
For instance:
useradd –d /export/home/eguser –m eguser
Next, issue the following command to set a password for the above user:
passwd <username>
When prompted to provide the password, specify the same.
Then, proceed to edit the sudo script by issuing the following command:
Add the following entry to the script:
<username> ALL=NOPASSWD:/usr/bin/VBoxManage
All the tests run by the eG agent should be configured with the full path to the install directory of the sudo package;
Pre-requisites for Obtaining the "Inside View" of VMs
Install the eG VM Agent on each VM. To know more about the eG VM agent and how to install it, refer to Configuring the Remote Agent to Obtain the Inside View of VMs.
Enable the eG agent to communicate with the port at which the eG VM Agent listens (default port: 60001).
Set the Inside View Using flag for all the “inside view” tests to eG VM Agent.