How to Monitor SBC AudioCodes Using eG Enterprise?
To monitor SBC AudioCodes using eG Enterprise, follow the broad steps outlined below:
Manage an SBC AudioCodes component using eG Admin interface;
Configure tests for the managed SBC AudioCodes;
Each of these broad steps are discussed elaborately below.
Managing an SBC AudioCodes component
The eG Enterprise can automatically discover an SBC AudioCodes appliance. To manage an auto-discovered SBC AudioCodes, follow the steps below:
Login to the eG admin interface as admin with password admin.
Follow the Infrastructure -> Components -> Manage/Unmanage/Delete menu sequence in the Admin home page.
Figure 1 will then appear. Select SBC AudioCodes as the Component type in Figure 1. All auto-discovered SBC AudioCodes will be displayed in the Unmanaged Components list, with an asterisk (*) symbol alongside. This 'asterisk' denotes that the SBC AudioCodes has been 'newly' discovered by eG Enterprise. To manage an appliance, select it from the Unmanaged Components list and click the < button in Figure 1. This will transfer the selection to the Managed Components list (see Figure 2). Finally, click the Update button .
Figure 1 : Newly discovered SBC AudioCodes listed in the Unmanaged components list
If for some reason, eG Enterprise is unable to auto-discover the SBC AudioCodes, then, you will have to manually add the appliance to the eG Enterprise system. For this, follow the steps below:
Login to the eG admin interface as user with administrative privileges.
Click on the Add Component button in the right corner of the Components at a Glance page that appeared or follow the Infrastructure -> Components -> Add/Modify menu sequence.
From the page that appears, select SBC AudioCodesas the Component type and click the Add New Component button.
Figure 3 will then appear.
Specify the Host IP/Name and the Nick name for the SBC AudioCodes component.
Choose an external agent for the target SBC AudioCodes by picking an option from the External agents list box.
Finally, click the Add button to add the component to the eG Enterprise system.
Configuring the tests
Once the SBC AudioCodes component is added, proceed to configure tests for the appliance. For that, do the following:
Follow the Infrastructure -> Components -> Add/Modify menu sequence in the eG admin interface.
In the page that appears next, select SBC AudioCodes as the Component type. The SBC AudioCodes that you recently added will then be listed therein. To configure tests for that server, click on the
icon corresponding to it (see Figure 4).
Figure 4 : Clicking on the Configure Tests icon corresponding to a managed SBC AudioCodes
Figure 5 will then appear. The UNCONFIGURED TESTS and CONFIGURED TESTS list boxes that then appear will display the tests that are still to be configured and the tests that have been configured by default (respectively) for the chosen appliance. From the list of test, select the test that you want to reconfigure. Once you select the test, click the Configure button in Figure 5 to configure it.
For instance, if you click on SBC Global Test Figure 6 will appear.
To know how to configure this test, refer to SBC Global Test
Click the Update button to update the test configuration. This will automatically configure all the other unconfigured tests for the SBC AudioCodes component.