The SilverStream Application Server is a comprehensive, J2EE certified platform for building and deploying enterprise-class Web applications. It supports the full Java 2 Enterprise Edition standard -- JavaServer Pages (JSP pages), Enterprise JavaBeans (EJBs), and all the other J2EE 1.2 components and technologies.
Errors in the functioning of this application server could have an adverse impact on the overall performance and availability of the dependent web applications; this in turn would result in significantly decreasing the productivity of the end-users, who transact business with the help of these web applications. To avoid such an unpleasant outcome, the SilverStream application server’s performance should be scrutinized regularly.
eG Enterprise offers specialized monitoring model to periodically monitor the helath of the Silverstream application server. The metrics collected by the eG agent enable administrators to quickly and accurately determine server availability and responsiveness, resource usage at the host-level and at the application server level, how well the application server processes requests, how quickly the server completes transactions, overall server security, etc.