Instrumenting a DotNet-based Web Site / Web Application

As already mentioned, you can use the Eg_RUM.dll file that eG Enterprise provides to instrument a DotNet-based web site/web applicationuses server side templates to auto-generate the common section. To perform this instrumentation, do the following:

  1. First, download the Eg_RUM.dll to the system hosting the web application. For this, click the Download button alongside Eg_RUM.dll in Figure 3.
  2. Once the download is complete, make sure that the Eg_RUM.dll is included in the target web application, and add an assembly reference.
  3. Next, in an editor, open the Views\Shared_Layout.cshtml file for ASP .NET MVC or the Default.master file for ASP .NET WebForms.

    To the Views\Shared_Layout.cshtml file, copy the following line of code:

    @Html.Raw(Eg.RUM.Header()) <!--HtmlHelper.Raw prevents RUM markup from being html-encoded.-->;


    To the Default.master file, copy the following line of code:

    <%= Eg.RUM.Header() %>

  4. Save the respective files.
  5. Restart the target web application.
  6. Test your web application locally and view the page source in your browser. The page markup should include < !-- RUM Header -->.

Once this is done, then the JavaScript will be auto-injected into each web page that uses the Shared_Layouts.html or Default.master files (as the case may be), track requests to each of the web pages, and report response time metrics it collects to the RUM collector.