Pre-requisites for Collecting Hardware Metrics
eG Enterprise periodically reports the status of the hardware supported by the vSphere server.
Sometimes, the VMware VI SDK may cache the hardware status metrics it collects and provide the test with the cached results. This may cause the eG agent to receive obsolete hardware status information from the SDK. This is also the reason why, you may at times notice a mismatch between the hardware status reported by the eG agent and by the vSphere client. To ensure that the eG agent always reports the current hardware status, you should configure the eG agent to obtain the hardware metrics from the VMware VI SDK only after the SDK resets the cache to clear its contents, and then refreshes the cache so that the latest hardware status information is fetched into it. To enable the eG agent to make the reset and refresh SDK calls, the esx user and esx password parameters of all hardware tests must be configured with the credentials of a user on the vCenter server with the Change Settings privilege. For that you need to create a special role on/vCenter, assign the Change Settings privilege to that role, and then map the role with a new/existing user on vSphere/vCenter. The procedure for this is detailed in Section Configuring the eG Agent to Collect Current Hardware Status Metrics of this document.
For reliable, near-real-time metrics on hardware status, we strongly recommend that you configure the eG agent to monitor the target vSphere server via vCenter . If the eG agent directly communicates with the target vSphere server and pulls hardware-related metrics, then such metrics may not reveal the 'current' hardware status - in other words, obsolete metrics may be reported.