Starting eG Manager
To start the manager, execute the command /opt/egurkha/bin/start_manager.
The following message appears when the manager starts successfully:
$ ./start_manager
Starting the eG manager components ...
Please wait ...
Starting the admin components . . .
Starting the monitor components . . .
Starting the eghelp components . . .
Initializing the eG manager . . .
The eG manager 5 has been started successfully!
If the manager fails to start, the following message appears.
Failed to start the eG manager! ...
Possible reasons for this could be:
(i)Your license located in the file: /opt/egurkha/bin/license may be invalid...
Please check the file “/opt/egurkha/manager/logs/error_log” for details.
(ii)You may not have permissions to start the eG manager...
Please check the permissions for the directory “/opt/egurkha/manager”.