Uninstalling eG Enterprise
The process of uninstalling eG Enterprise varies depending on the operating system used. The steps to be executed to uninstall eG Enterprise are as follows:
First stop the execution of the manager using the command:
Next, stop the execution of the agent using the command:
If the agent to be uninstalled is on a SELinux-enforced Linux host, and this agent has been configured to run as a 'confined' process, then you first need disable the SELinux security module and then remove it from the host. For this, issue the following commands at the prompt, one after another:
semodule -d egagent_se
semodule -r egagent_se
On the other hand, if the agent to be uninstalled is not on a SELinux-enforced Linux host, then you can skip this step and proceed to step 4 of this procedure.
- On Linux, AIX, and HPUX, the /opt/egurkha directory has to be manually removed to uninstall the eG Enterprise system.
- Next, on Solaris, use the pkgrm command to uninstall the eG manager and eG agent packages.