How eG Enterprise enables business continuity and high performance for key IT services with AIOps

Enabling your Digital Transformation with AIOps Solutions

IT service quality is critical to support business growth, ensure customer delight, and employee efficiency. As organizations pivot towards digital transformation, they are becoming increasingly dependent on IT applications and infrastructures and the teams that support them. There are key challenges to address, including: availability, end user experience, complexity, and legacy team structures.

Traditional monitoring tools are insufficient at scale; most monitoring tools trigger alerts when pre-determined thresholds are crossed. IT managers often experience many problems with these alerting processes, such as: numerous false alerts and alert storms, tedious manual threshold setting, handling time-varying norms, reactive monitoring, etc.

AIOps is at the core of eG Enterprise's monitoring capabilities. Automatic root-cause analysis and diagnosis, the holy grail of IT operations management, has been a key focus of our eG Enterprise suite. Unlike legacy tools that implement if-then-else rules, our architecture is designed to support rules-free correlation, thereby minimizing the effort required to configure and operate the monitoring solution. Our patented root cause diagnosis engine was the first such technology built to be cloud and virtualization-aware. The layered stack model paradigm that eG Enterprise uses is at the core of its ability to assimilate millions of metrics to yield meaningful alerts.

The following capabilities form the foundation of eG Enterprise's AIOps capabilities:
  • Embedded domain expertise for metrics collection
  • Auto-baselining for proactive problem detection
  • Automatic problem diagnosis
  • End-to end, top-to-bottom auto-correlation
  • Auto-discovery and dependency mapping
  • Metric aggregation and service quality indicators
  • Bottleneck detection, forecasting, and capacity planning
  • Automatic correction and remediation

With these varied capabilities, eG Enterprise pinpoints and prioritizes underlying issues, avoids alert storms, and distractions from secondary symptoms. This eBook will act as the primary key for you to enable and support your organization's journey to AIOps adoption.

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John Worthington

Director of Customer Success
eG Innovations

Peter Claridge

Director - Marketing
eG Innovations