Digital Workspaces and the Customer Experience

How to connect the dots between Customers, Business, and Technology

With more than two decades helping customers answer the question 'why is my application slow?', eG Innovations is uniquely positioned to be a central component of an enterprise IT performance monitoring strategy. In fact, the ability to have a 360-degree view of site/application performance from the user's perspective is a critical foundation for success in the digital age.

But the attraction to a process-perspective of business capabilities --- workflow --- is so compelling that many organizations are consumed by its applicability to the customer experience. Digital transformation today is like watching a river flow--- and in this case you're in the middle of the rapids.

Unified monitoring can help make sure everyone's rowing in the same direction. This eBook takes a plunge headlong into the digital transformation river:
  • Customer experience and XLAs
  • Processes, services and value flows
  • Leveraging unified performance monitoring

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John Worthington

Director of Customer Success
eG Innovations