The Wicked Problems Cookbook

Eating the IT Performance Monitoring Elephant

IT performance monitoring has long been known to be a wicked problem--- it is highly social in nature (monitoring 'silos'), it has numerous stakeholders (each with different opinions) and is inextricably interconnected within the IT organization, technologies and processes.

But while wicked problems are never really 'solved', they are worth addressing. Effective monitoring has the unique ability to help break down walls. To establish real organizational transparency and trust. In fact, an effective monitoring program is fundamental to any continuous improvement effort.

  • Monitoring will never be 'solved'; focus on continuous improvement
  • The heart of all monitoring problems lies outside the organization, not in the technology
  • Effective monitoring must be an ongoing team sport

Above all, monitoring is a PEOPLE issue. This eBook takes a look at the wicked nature of IT performance monitoring and provides a few examples of how organizations can apply techniques for solving wicked problems in an IT performance monitoring context.

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John Worthington

Director of Customer Success
eG Innovations