Improve application performance and optimize customer experience
Free TrialApplication performance issues are business-impacting. Therefore, it is important for enterprises to ensure that mission-critical applications are always meeting expected performance levels.
Today’s multi-tiered application architectures make it difficult to manage performance. Due to complex inter-dependencies between application tiers, the dynamic nature of application rollouts, and deployment on heterogeneous platforms (physical, virtual, and cloud infrastructures), IT teams often spend hours trying to determine the root cause of application slowdowns.
For effective application problem diagnosis and faster troubleshooting:
A modern application performance management solution automates the above steps, minimizing the amount of human expertise and intervention needed to troubleshoot application slowdowns.
eG Enterprise delivers full stack monitoring of application performance to help IT teams detect, diagnose and solve application problems before business services are affected. Aligned with Gartner’s functional dimensions of application performance monitoring, eG Enterprise’s monitoring capabilities include:
Analyze the health of each metric and determine what action should be initiated
Business transaction tracing and application code-level visibility
Application topology discovery and dependency visualization
Deep dive diagnostics into application and supporting infrastructure
Application analytics and reporting
eG Enterprise goes beyond just monitoring applications and provides actionable insights to administrators, helping them troubleshoot and resolve problems quickly. It leverages built-in analytics, diagnostics, alerting, reporting and troubleshooting capabilities to get to the root cause of application problems, accelerating resolution and enhancing performance. Out-of-the-box analytics provide administrators with insights to optimize the infrastructure for improved performance and capacity.
eG Innovations delivers a robust, reliable and extremely valuable solution to deliver maximum uptime and user satisfaction. Pre-emptive alerting helps us to address performance issues immediately before they affect system and application availability.
eG Enterprise provides in-depth monitoring for applications deployed on-premises and in the cloud (public, private, hybrid), running on physical servers, virtual and hyper-converged infrastructures:
Performance optimization is often an afterthought for application developers as their focus is entirely on requirements and functionality. eG Enterprise streamlines optimization by helping identify inefficiencies in the application code. With just a few clicks, developers can observe the exact line of code or method that can cause a slowdown. Sub-optimal database queries or time-consuming remote procedure calls are also pinpointed, allowing developers to optimize their applications:
Using an array of built-in control actions, eG Enterprise helps you simplify and automate problem resolution. Tune the control actions to your specific needs and best practices: