Apache web server monitoring

Monitor Apache web server availability and response times, track access logs and error logs, monitor workload trends, resource utilization and more to ensure great web application performance.

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Performance of Apache web servers is critical

The Apache web server is at the heart of IT infrastructures in various domains - Healthcare, Banking, Trading, Logistics, etc. To ensure scalability and high performance, most web sites are being architected to use a multi-tier model. In such architectures, the Apache web server plays a pivotal role since all users to the other tiers are routed via the web server and so any slowdown or problem in the web server tier adversely impacts the end user experience.

Performance of Apache Web Servers is Critical

The availability of a web site and the response time for user accesses to the site are the most critical metrics of web performance. Both these metrics may vary depending from one website to another and even from one transaction to another. Today’s Apache monitor must be able to report the availability and response time for individual user transactions to a web site.

  • Proactively detecting problems before they become user complaints;
  • Accurately diagnosing the cause of slowdowns: is it due to poor queries, missing indexes, insufficient memory, or storage latency?
  • Identify areas where the database subsystem can be optimized to deliver better performance to the application

Combined active and passive monitoring of
Apache web servers for top performance

eG Enterprise adopts a unique two-pronged approach for web transaction monitoring. The external agent uses request emulation to assess the user experience from different locations. By doing so, the external agent captures the effect of the network latency and the server-side processing time on the end user experience.

Apache monitoring tools, Apache monitor: eG Innovations

To quantify the server processing times for real user requests (not emulated requests), the eG internal agent deploys a proprietary web-adapter technology. This technology enhances Apache web servers with the capability to track HTTP/HTTPS requests to a web server and the corresponding responses. For each transaction that is configured for monitoring, the web adapter analyzes the request URLs and responses to report various metrics relating to individual web transactions in real-time.

Web transactions performance monitoring solution

eG agents are able to monitor Java (Servlets, EJB, JSPs) and other non-Java implementations (ASP, PHP, CGI, etc.) as well. Since it is able to monitor real-user transactions to web servers in real-time, eG Enterprise can proactively monitor and quantify all anomalies that may occur in a web infrastructure.

The ability to offer real-time monitoring of 100% of the real user transactions, without the need for explicit, expensive logging is a key distinguishing feature of eG Enterprise's Apache monitoring capabilities. This one-of-a-kind monitoring capability supports other popular web servers as well.

Learn about Apache Tomcat Performance Monitoring from
eG Enterprise.

eG Innovations delivers a robust, reliable and extremely valuable solution to deliver maximum uptime and user satisfaction. Pre-emptive alerting helps us to address performance issues immediately before they affect system and application availability.

Mike Montano Senior Manager, Allscripts

What Apache performance monitoring
with eG Enterprise offers

External monitoring
  • Is the web site available for user accesses from different locations?
  • What is the response time for user accesses to the site from different geographic locations?
  • Is a slowdown due to increased network latency or due to increased server-side processing?
Internal transaction monitoring
  • How are the critical transactions of a web site functioning?
  • What is the request rate for each transaction?
  • What is the average response time for each transaction?
  • Are there many aborts for the transaction?
Web site monitoring
  • What is the status of the different web sites hosted on a single web server?
  • Are there many errors occurring in the system?
  • Are the servers supporting the web infrastructure adequately sized?
  • Are there usage trends that need to be accounted for future capacity planning?
Bottleneck detection
  • Is an increase in server-side processing time due to the web server or due to the middleware application server or due to the database?
Capacity planning
  • Is the load being effectively balanced across all the web servers?
  • Are the critical web server processes up and running?
Log file monitoring
  • Get details of URLs seeing 4xx errors, logon failures, forbidden errors, etc.
  • Be alerted to times when internal server errors, web server busy errors and service unavailable errors happen
  • Auto-baseline traffic to each web site. Understand time of day and day of week behavior

Benefits of the eG
Apache performance monitoring solution

  • Through end to end monitoring obtain deep insights into the TRUE end user experience
  • Receive proactive, real-time alerts of server availability and performance problems and get to know of any anomalies before they impact the business service performance
  • Analyze and correlate web site performance in context - taking into account the network, middleware and database performance
  • Historical analysis and trending of web services usage enables effective capacity planning

What is Apache web server?

Apache is the most widely used open source web server software available for free. Apache is fast, reliable, and secure. It can be highly customized to meet the needs of many different environments by using extensions and modules.

Start your free trial or schedule a custom demo with an engineer

  • Works on cloud environments, hybrid cloud setups and on-premises deployments
  • Deploy eG Enterprise using our SaaS platform or on-premises
  • Suitable for monitoring cloud applications, digital workspaces and IT infrastructures
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