How to Monitor the Real User Experience for Your Web Applications

Today, poor user experience is a business problem, not just an IT problem. If the performance of your web applications is consistently poor, your users will take their business to a competitor.

Traditionally, IT managers have been “data center” focused, looking at system resource metrics rather than the end user experience. Even when performance is considered at the application level, the metrics are based on individual elements (SQL response time, application heap usage, etc.) and are not focused on what is really happening from the users’ perspective. The data center-centric approach is insufficient for effective application performance management. Performance could be perfectly fine on the server-side, but be horrible when viewed from the end user perspective.

Watch this webinar to learn how to monitor, diagnose and report on the real user experience for your business-critical web applications and learn how the new eG Enterprise Real User Monitor provides:

  • Deep visibility into Key Performance Indicators for web applications
  • Visually monitor your web user experience across the globe
  • Drill down to localize and troubleshoot slow front-end performance
  • Analyze and understand web user behavior
  • Get performance insights from reports that help you deliver exceptional user experience

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Webinar Presenters

Srinivas Ramanathan

eG Innovations

Arun Aravamudhan

Product Head - APM
eG Innovations