My Application is Slow: Best Practices for Troubleshooting and Prevention

"My application is slow" is a common complaint heard at the help desk from frustrated users and managing IT performance to prevent such calls isn't about just monitoring CPU, memory or disk space any more. You have to be able to quickly determine what the real cause of the problem is - is it in the network, the database, the application, storage, container, or cloud? The fact that applications are using multi-tier architectures and being deployed in cloud and virtualized infrastructures only adds to the challenge.

In this on-demand webinar, Frank Ohlhorst, Enterprise IT Analyst & Consultant and Srinivas Ramanathan, CEO of eG Innovations, discuss best practices for troubleshooting and prevention so even before a user complains their application is slow, you can pinpoint exactly where the cause of a problem lies - ensuring quick resolution and a positive user experience.

View this on-demand webinar to discover:

  • Best practices for monitoring the end user experience, so you can be alerted to application slowness before users call you
  • Key performance indicators you should focus on to be able to detect and fix problems proactively, before users notice
  • Automatic correlation and root-cause diagnosis techniques that allow you to pin-point problems quickly and minimize troubleshooting time
  • Analytics and reporting capabilities that allow you to invest wisely and right-size your infrastructure for maximum ROI
  • How to structure your organization to focus on IT services, not individual silos

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Webinar Presenters

Frank J. Ohlhorst

Enterprise IT Analyst & Consultant

Srinivas Ramanathan

eG Innovations