The Importance of Monitoring for ITSM and DevOps

Visibility, Transparency and IT Transformation

As organizations embark on the journey towards ITSM and DevOps adoption, they need to be aware of how this IT transformation will impact their IT operations and business delivery. 'IT monitoring' plays a crucial role in providing the visibility enterprises need to track all the technology and operational changes, measure performance continuously, baseline the infrastructure, forecast capacity needs, and accelerate IT transformation by delivering real transparency to IT and business stakeholders.

However, IT transformation and monitoring are not always well understood and often do not address the human elements required to ensure success. This is why IT organizations should consider services-oriented monitoring as a key enabler of IT transformation. Establishing effective services-oriented monitoring mirrors the efforts involved in IT transformation.

In this whitepaper you will learn the best practices to leverage monitoring as part of an ITSM or DevOps initiative include establishing a well-defined starting point, service measurement priorities, performance baselines and effective analytics.

You will understand the importance of services-oriented technology monitoring, and how it can be an instrumental tool in achieving ITSM and DevOps success.

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