Top 6 Myths of Cloud Performance Monitoring

book-imgCloud adoption is increasing at a rapid pace. There are many who believe that when applications are migrated to the cloud, it is easier to manage them and that the cloud service provider tools will help them greatly.

In this whitepaper, we debunk six common myths about cloud performance monitoring:

  • Migrating applications to the cloud removes the need for any performance monitoring.
  • Cloud environments support auto scaling. If I use auto scaling in cloud environments, application performance is guaranteed, and monitoring is not needed.
  • Moving to the cloud guarantees high availability because the cloud never goes down.
  • Cloud-native monitoring tools have all the required capabilities to monitor applications and infrastructure.
  • The same monitoring technologies used on-premises can be used in the cloud as well.
  • Monitoring application performance in the cloud is a lot easier than in an on-premises infrastructure.

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